The famous Wedgwood has, through the magic of his sculpture, conjured up in the middle of England a new Etruria -- the name of the well known estate in Staffordshire, where the gentlemen Wedgwood and Bentley, by means of their excellent imitations of Antiquity in pastes and larger bodies, know how to get acclamation throughout the whole of Europe -- and from his still only factory, is now brought forth the most deceptive replicas of ancient magnificent vases, both in regard to the strength and quality of the material as excelling with regard to the formal beauty and in the choice of paintings and reliefs, superseding everything hitherto seen in terracotta, bisque, porcelain, glass molding, etcetera [...].1

1) “Der berühmte Wedgwood hat durch die Magie seiner Plastik ein neues Etrurien -- so heißt, wie bekannt, der Landsitz in Staffordshire, wo die Herren Wedgwood und Bentley durch ihre vortreflichen Nachahmungen des Altherthums in Pasten und größeren Massen sich ganz Europa zinsbar zu machen wissen -- mitten in England hervorgezaubert, und liefert nun auch in seiner bis jetzt einzigen Manufactur, die täuschendsten Nachbildungen alter Prachtgefäße, die

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